Friday, October 17, 2008

Susannah's birthday continued

I can't believe it's been seven years since I crossed over the threshold into the wonderful world of parenting. I never knew how much I could be changed by seemingly powerless little people. Susannah changed me the most in that she did the hard work of metamorphisizing me all in one go. She had the work of physically being born first: the birth was more difficult; I had no clue about babies cues etc. etc. It continues: she ploughs the way for the others. I have to figure out what I think about all the things that she faces first. I have a bit of a clue by the time the others get there...
At seven, Susannah is very driven, yet equally nurturing; frustrating, and fun. She likes anything to do with school, and tutors her younger siblings. She loves her school friends and what they are doing, but has her distinct style without regard for others styles. Susannah loves to eat carbs and sweets of any kind. She loves to go for walks, go on trips, learn about new things and people. She likes to draw, and do crafts. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up, and wants to speak at least 3 languages. She is mastering Spanish and revels in learning more. Finally, Susannah loves her younger siblings intensely - I mean, INTENSELY! She likes nothing better than to snuggle with her baby sister and hold her and walk around with her. Happy Birthday Susannah - we love you so much and can't wait to see what God holds for your future.
Update: Pic1&2: Birthday girl with Daddy and Mama: Pic3 Susannah as Mary on Awana Bible Character night. Pic4: Susannah has recently had braces put on her front four teeth, and has also started to get her hair in a ponytail.

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