Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ever since Maggie was born, I seem to be reminiscing about my own childhood. Maybe it's that Susannah is old enough that I remember myself at her age. Also, I think it's because I have recently got back in touch with some friends from school in England. I spent all my formative years there, so there are many memories. Brandon grew up in Fresno and gets to see the house(s) he grew up in etc. etc. whenever. I have begun to feel more sentimental that I have almost completely lost touch with that part of my life. Also recently, I have started to want to cook better. I love all the different flavors and varieties, ethnicities of food. My sister mentioned that she had found a recipe for Cheese and Potato Pasties like we used to have in England. My ears pricked up big time. Even better than that she said they tasted a lot like the Cheese and Potato Pie that was my favorite food EVER when I was a child. For a special treat we went to the cafe that was opposite the bus station in Harrogate. And I ALWAYS had the same thing. So, in an effort to reconnect with my past I experimented with making one. It was pretty good. It seemed weird to be eating it in the middle of California, in a house with children of my own. However, it was good. I will be doing this more. Nothing much to look at, but many memories involved!

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