Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Magdelena Clare

My sweet baby girl is almost 11 months. She is becoming a person in her own right, and I am celebrating that! Maggie stands on her own now, and is taking a couple steps, if given the right incentives. She is learning to balance and squats and stands back up. This is preciously early for my family genes, and I am very thankful for such a gift! She weighs around 23 pounds and is growing out of her 12-18 month clothes by her length. Maggie does not communicate much yet, besides "mama" but we all seem to know what she wants. She loves the cats, her siblings, splashing in the bath, emptying things, pulling the shoes off the shoe rack, bending the flaps on books, her Music Together class, crawling in the street, going down stairs headfirst and many other endeavours that should not be publicized. We felt very prompted that her name should be Magdelena. It means "protected" and now we know why! We also know she is part of our family because she loves to eat, loves having bare feet, loves playing outside, hates to be tied down (ie. put in clothes or her car seat.) Magdelena smiles at everyone and is now showing off her 4 teeth that she just sprouted. She continues to sleep pretty well...for another mercy, I am thankful.
It has been a full year for me. Daunting, yet full and good; overwhelming yet growth inducing. She was not anticipated, but we can see the completeness she brings. Now and again I get a twinge of sadness that the baby stage is gone forever especially when I see a new baby stretch it's neck like a turtle, but I can honestly say that I am thankful to be able to "move on" (whatever that means!) God has richly blessed me. As the curtain on Magdelena's first year comes down, and the book of my twenties is nearly closed, I am thankful to know that God has it all worked out. 

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