Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time away

We were planning on having a beach getaway this week, but last week Maggie started sleeping terribly. The thought of all 6 of us in a motorhome with a terribly-sleeping-baby was enough to make me vomit...yuck. So I decided that I could stay with Mag, and Brandon could take the older kids. That's what happened. It was pretty exciting. I missed seeing them at the beach, and having family time, but what I got instead was priceless! I got to be a mama-of-1-baby. It definitely wasn't complete freedom, but it was as close as I am going to get. I did all kinds of things that I wouldn't have ever dreamed would be classified as "fun" - but they were. I sorted clothes, got rid of infant gadgets, washed the bathroom floors, scrubbed the bathrooms and kitchen, moved some furniture, did some paperwork and made some phonecalls. Funny, some long lost friends called during this time, and it was lovely to be able to talk without an update on how long I had been on the phone. I did watch a chick flick, and have dinner with friends too. The list goes on. I remember being the mom of 1 baby and being totally overwhelmed. But for these few days, I had time and space to think. I feel like I exist in my own head again. For the record, the kids had a great time at the beach, and Jesse came back without his attitude, and with a new found desire to stand to pee.  My husband really is amazing, I decided again. He didn't come back stressed at all after 2 nights in a motorhome with 3 kids. I would have been. For sure. So, back to real life we go. I filled up my gas tank tonight.

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