Sunday, December 28, 2008


I was on such a roll with blogging, but somehow I had overload the last month...can't imagine why. This random picture illustrates what I feel - everyone with different things going on everywhere I turn. To boot, Maggie likes to hold on and stand up, usually wherever I am, so I feel like I am dragging her along as I go...and I have a splint on my thumb due to a Pump It Up injury. Almost every day Brandon says "4 kids is a lot." It's true. People told me 4 wouldn't seem anymore than 3, but I guess I don't have as much energy as they do. Anyways, I do have a few minutes each day to myself, and I check what is going on with other people but rarely have the energy to post about us. Enough excuses...I'm back on the horse.
Time to turn over a new leaf and take control of some things. Even though "resolutions" are easily broken, I am always thankful for an opportunity to start new. If one of the things I am resolving to do, or not to do sticks, it's been worthwhile thinking about it and doing it. Some of the things I am "committing" to at the start of this year are: getting out of my house more and seeing more people; finding a good Bible study to be a part of that works as far as time and content go; sewing and doing things that I enjoy more. I also plan to get back into teaching classes and doula-ing more. Also, I am going to be eating less, being in my house less...there's probably more or less. I am going to be posting some more pix soon, and posting my "Christmas" letter on here soon, so stay tuned. I have been thinking of this hymn a lot recently. We sang it at our new year's eve service we went to every year in England, and thought I would share it here: 

Standing at the portal of the opening year,
Words of comfort meet us, hushing every fear;
Spoken through the silence by our Father's voice,
Tender, strong and faithful, making us rejoice.

Onward then and fear not, children of the day!
For His word shall never, never pass away!

I, the Lord amd with thee, be thou not afraid,
I will help and strengthen, be thou not dismayed!
Yea, I will uphold thee, with My own right hand, 
Thou art called and chosen in My sight to stand.

For the year before us, O what rich supplies!
For the poor and needy living streams shall rise;
For the sad and sinful shall His greace abound;
For the faint and feeble, perfect strength be found.

He will never fail us, He will not forsake;
His eternal covenant He will never break.
Resting on His promise, what have we to fear? 
God is all sufficient for the coming year. 


aaron♥michelle said...

I can only imagine how full your plate is! Don't even start comparing yourself to others! ;) I'm nervous about just losing sleep with ONE!! lol Looked like a fun Christmas, though. I miss you, my friend...

robert said...

Thanks for posting Frances Havergal's great New Year's hymn. She wrote another, too, called "Another Year Is Dawning." If you enjoy learning about the old hymns and their authors, I invite you to visit my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns.