Monday, November 1, 2010

Best of Both Worlds at Shutterfly

Every Christmas it comes time to think about sending Christmas cards out. I always like to think that I am just going to send an e-mail, and call it good. But then I am slightly eclectic, and sometimes even old fashioned. I still love going to get the mail even as an adult. So it never seems good enough to just shoot an e-mail off. The second part of my conundrum is whether to write a Christmas letter. I agonize over it, don’t want to sound too “our life is perfect,” or on the other hand “everything is terrible, please feel sorry for us!” I put it off, admire others lovely, artistic and perfect letters, and then at the end do a mad dash to put one together, and that is never quite right. Between finding the right picture, and the right amount of information divulged in my letter, I am never quite satisfied. This year, I am so excited. It’s the first day of November and I found that Shutterfly has the perfect solution. It’s a picture card that has the picture opening (obviously!), and a top 10 in 2010 list on the side. Enough room for the highlights of our year, and our wonderful family picture. I seriously couldn’t be happier. They’ve made it easier than ever.

Here’s a link to my favorite:

You can look for your own perfect card that meets your needs and specifications you can find it here:

or some holiday cards here:

One of the main parts of my Christmas shipping usually includes photo calendars for the grandparents. You can some proud grandparents gifts checked off your list quickly and happily here:

Happy Christmas Card Shopping to you all!

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